Journal of Information Organization

Vol No. 13 ,Issue No. 1 2023

Health and Safety Data Analysis of the Population using Injury Data
Ivo Kuzmanov, Silvana Angelevska and Zore Angelevski
Ivo Kuzmanov is with the Faculty of Technical Science at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, Ivo Lola Ribar nn, Bitola 7000, Republic Macedonia., Silvana Angelevska is with the Faculty of Technical Science at the University “St. Kliment
Abstract: This study has investigated the injuries of the population in the selected region to understand health and safety. We studied the nature and number of injuries by analysing the documents from the safety and health investigators of the region. We have classified the collected data and analysed the business entity. This is a kind of annual exercise we have resorted.
Keywords: Safety at work places, Work injuries, Safety systems Health and Safety Data Analysis of the Population using Injury Data
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