Author Guidelines

JDIM Word Template for Text (html)

JDIM Word Template for Text (pdf)

JDIM Latex Template for Text (zip)

Electronic Submission Guidelines (html)

Editorial and Review Process

DLINE follows a complete peer-review process. When a paper is submitted, it will be checked by the editor for basic quality. Each paper is then subjected a plagiarism check. The journals follow a double-blind review process and there are standards to observe the quality of submissions.


Immediately after submission, this check is initially carried out by the editor to assess:

  • Suitability of the manuscript to the journal/section/special issue;
  • Qualification and background of authors;
  • Reject the low-level papers.


The submissions undergo review by a minimum of two experts in the domain. The reviewers may be either independent reviewers or editorial board members. The journals follow a double-blind review process.

.The reviewers are expected to provide their objective comments for the originality/novelty, methodology and design, datasets, experimentation, presentation and language and contribution to the domain. The reviewers recommend the editors to accept, or accept with major revisions, accept with minor revisions or reject. The detailed comments of the reviewers are forwarded to the authors by the editors. In the last five years, no single paper is accepted without revision.

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