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Print ISSN:0974-7710
Online ISSN: 0974-7729

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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
International Journal of Web Application (IJWA)


International Journal of Web Applications 
Volume: 16, Issue: 2 (  June   2024)
Current Issue
Editorial Message
Evaluation and Analysis of the Spirit of Higher Education in the Innovation of Modern Apprentices with Information Technology
Lili Yuan, Lizhen Ma, bailing
Page: 35-43
Abstract_    Full_Text   736 KB   Download:   21  times
https://doi.org/10.6025/ijwa/2024/16/2/ 35-43
Construction of Viterbi Algorithm Voice Command Model for Autonomous Learning of College English
Woyou Zhang
Page: 44-51
Abstract_    Full_Text   867 KB   Download:   22  times
Impact of Data Mining and Social Media Marketing to Enrich Customer Satisfaction
Impact of Data Mining and Social Media Marketing to Enrich Customer Satisfaction
Page: 52-64
Abstract_    Full_Text   710 KB   Download:   27  times
Book Review
Sixth International Conference on Real-Time Intelligent Systems (RTIS 2024)
Fourth International Conference on Digital Data Processing (DDP 2024)
Fifth International Conference on Science & Technology Metrics (STMet 2024)

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