Improvement of the test Method for the Thermal Integrity of Cast-in-place Pile Tip: Optimizing The Layout of Temperature Measuring Points Zhiguo Ma, Chenjin Shi, Yuan Hou, Chao Xue, Minghao Sun and Yong Zeng Page: 1-19 Abstract_    Full_Text   3.97 MB   Download:   82  times
Production efficiency estimation of China’s construction industry and its influencing factors based on the DEA-Tobit model Guang Cheng Page: 20-31 Abstract_    Full_Text   3.09 MB   Download:   76  times
Performance Evaluation of High-speed Railway Construction Projects Based on Combinatorial Weighting and Mutation Progression Method Yunyun Wang Page: 32-46 Abstract_    Full_Text   2.25 MB   Download:   82  times 46