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Print ISSN:2319-4596
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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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Progress in Machines and Systems
Volume: 13 , Issue:1 (April 2024)
Editorial Message
Short Malware Forensics to Analyze Intrusions
Stephan Neuhaus
Page: 1-3
Abstract_    Full_Text   2.11 MB   Download:   6  times
A Semantic-based Framework for Modelling Adaptive Systems
Ina Schaefer and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter
Page: 4-15
Abstract_    Full_Text   1.50 MB   Download:   23  times
A Social Interface Model with a Game-Based Interface in Communication Primitives
Luca de Alfaro, Marco Faella, and Axel Legay
Page: 16-42
Abstract_    Full_Text   749.53 KB   Download:   2  times
AI Workshop
Monitor levels of interdisciplinary research
Open Data Report
Fourth International Conference on Digital Data Processing Yeshiva University, New York, US
5th workshop on Data For The Wellbeing of Most Vulnerable Buffalo, NY, USA
The International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD)

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