The Signals and Telecommunication Journal (STJ) has a broader scope under the theme Telecommunication and Signals Engineering. To understand more on the potential of this field, the following themes and related concepts would be addressed.
Signal processing, protocols and standardization as broad field- the subthemes include communication theory in general and others such as modulation, coding, synchronization, Propagation, antennas, signal separation etc. Further the broad Ad hoc, Autonomic and sensor networks which includes subthemes such as self-organization and network reconfiguration; Vehicular Ad hoc networks; Radio resource sharing in wireless networks; Energy-efficient communications; Emerging sensor technologies; Video and sensor surveillance; Wireless technologies which includes 3G And 4G Mobile communications services; Wireless multimedia and networks and systems; Cellular and Ad hoc networks; Mobile communication technologies; Mobile software (agents); Wireless access, Wireless communications antennas and propagation and transmission technologies; Broadband wireless technology, Cross-layer modelling and design; Ultra-wideband communications and Wireless hacking; Management, operation and control networks which includes Monitoring telecommunications systems; Network management contingency challenges; Real-time traffic and QoS; Performance and QoS, traffic engineering; Telecommunications management and control of heterogeneous networks; Mobility control and mobility engineering; Communications networks security; Core technologies and access technologies and networks which includes Wireless-fibre technologies, Metro/Access networks; Broadband access networks and services; Next Generation Networks and technologies; Future Internet; Intelligent & Smart networks; Grid, Cluster and Internet computing; Optical networks etc.
Optical Technologies which includes Optical internetworking architectures- Novel architectures for optical routers and switches- Optical packet / burst switching- Optical multi-wavelength label switching- Optical network performance modelling- Optical network control and management- Measurement, monitoring and supervision techniques- Security and privacy in optical networks- Optical access networks designs and protocols- Optical integrated circuits and novel transmission methods- Standards for optical internetworking- Optical networks for future Internet design- Multi-domain routing protocols for IP over optical networks- Next-generation IP networking and Optical Internet- Optical transmission systems and technologies.
Cognitive radio which includes Cognitive radio technologies and opportunistic spectrum utilization- Spectrum sensing technologies-Dynamic spectrum access-Information theory and performance limits of dynamic spectrum access- Inter- and Intra- standards interoperability- Cross-layer algorithms based on spectrum sensing techniques; Advanced signal processing techniques for cognitive radio- Design of software radio and cognitive radio transceivers- Interference and coexistence analysis- Radio resource allocation-
Decision making- Game theory- Cognitive radio with reinforcement learning- Future Internet with cognitive technologies- Flexible and opportunistic wireless access- Multimedia communications- Regulatory policies on spectrum sharing for future broadband networks-
Cognitive radio standards- Hardware reconfigurability- Testbbeds Teletraffic modelling and management which includes Traffic and performance measurements; Queuing theory and queuing networks-Performance evaluation- Scheduling and admission control- Broadcast and multicast traffic control- Network design and optimization of wired and wireless networks- Mobility and resource management- Traffic monitoring and management- Internet traffic engineering- Simulation models and tools;